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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Biologi Tumbuhan

Time of flowering and sprouting periositas simultaneously (the appearance of leaves of young leaves) vary greatly, depending on the type of vegetation, elevation, topography, location and climate. sometimes teradapat internal rhythm as expressions of innate Holrum (1930, 1940) in survainya about perioditas symptoms in singapore.
   many related factors, among others, individual differences and over again increasing diversity in accordance with the land that diperhintungkan if the date on the island of Java sepanjngan pembugaan more than 1000knm abstracted, concluded that can be drawn is when the flowering occurs mostly in januaru until december. but this did not mean that the species were flowering in full bloom everywhere along the year.
  The main fakator which stimulates the growth of the climate, which differs from year to year, and during flowering usually lasts only a few months consecutive.

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