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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

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If you experience vaginal discharge, of course you can not feel comfortable and need some way to overcome these whitish. Of course, whiteness is a disease that must be addressed immediately before it becomes worse and threaten your health. When you find a whitish color, which intensified with the thick, smelly, and itchy, it means you should immediately seek ways to overcome vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge such as allowing you to suffer more severe disease. Here are some ways you can cope with whitish know;
1. Visit your doctor and consult specialist content that you experience vaginal discharge complaints. Make sure the doctor has a special tool that can check your overall condition. By knowing the exact cause of vaginal discharge is, of course, the doctor will have to cope with the most effective discharge.
2. Keep the sex organs either by replacing your regular underwear at least twice a day. If you feel you are wearing underwear that is damp or dirty, you should replace it with a clean so that bacteria, fungi or viruses in the underwear does not infect the vagina.
3. Wash the vagina with a special cleaning is a way to overcome white womanhood is also quite effective, especially for the type of discharge has not been so severe. With a vaginal wash with anti-septic will prevent entry of bacteria and germs into the vagina which is the main cause of vaginal discharge.
4. When you're coming months, you must be diligent to change pads. Do not use the pads to be too full because it will trigger the growth of bacteria that can infect the vagina. Diligent replace the pads can be a way to overcome white or at least minimize it effectively.
5. When the disease is found whitish with a fairly severe conditions, how to cope with the whiteness of course will be more serious, such as injecting sitostatica, penicillin, vaccinations, tetracycline, and so on.
6. How to cope with vaginal discharge can also be done surgically. Surgery is intended to remove a small portion of cervical tissue infected with bacteria, viruses or fungi that cause vaginal discharge.
7. Use a safety when you have sex. Or if you are planning a pregnancy, properly clean the vagina after intercourse, or should you consult a gynecologist about vaginal cleansing what you can use as a way to overcome vaginal discharge that you are not wrong in choosing a plan that can damage the pregnancy.
8. Consuming a traditional herb is also a way to overcome quite effectively discharge such as cooking water as much as one glass of betel leaves, two to three times a week.

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