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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

mengatasi anak susah makan

Eat this difficult problem experienced by children aged under five. Generally begin encountered in children 1-4 years of age. Many things that cause kids fussy eaters. Because for a child, when eating is not just nutrition but also as the fulfillment of challenge, curiosity, practicing, studying, etc..
The following discussion briefly the causes of child fussy eaters & quick tips to cope:
1. Bored with your diet or food preparation. Diet when infants (> 6 bl) unvaried would make children tired and lazy to eat. Not to mention the way of presenting the meal mixture of side dishes such as food blended into one. Just like adults, if we eat dg same menu every day and served dg mixed, would be lazy to eat. Likewise, the introduction of roughage handling.
Tips: Of course, vary the diet of children. If you need to make meals kids min. for 1 week to facilitate the mother manage the variety of food. So depending on the clever-clever his mother gave varied diet. Like if kids do not want rice, it can be replaced dg bread, macaroni, pasta, noodles, etc.. Food presentation very interesting also important. Do not mix food stir. Separate pauknya side dish with rice. Ornamental dg different colors & shapes. If necessary print dg food cake pan funny.
2. Eating calorie-dense snack before meals, so that children do not feel hungry. Such as candy, soft drinks, chocolate, snacks until air-MSG, etc.. Consequently when the meals arrived the child was well fed.
Tip: Set a snack or snack long before the meal arrives. Give also a healthy snack like a piece of fruit, steamed vegetables, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cake made by mom, etc..
3. Drinking too much milk Milk in many families considered the god of food that can replace main meals such as rice, vegetables & side dishes tend to be less impatient pauknya Parents provide roughage. Or parents often fear their children starve, so the food is replaced with milk .. Finally, rather than the stomach of the child is not possessed of food, excess milk is given alone. Yet after 1th-olds, the presence of milk in the daily menu is not mandatory. In nutrition, the milk just to meet the needs of calcium and phosphorus alone. Kan calcium and phosphorus are easily we get the fish, fisheries, vegetables & fruits.
Tip: Reduce the milk! Above the age of 1 year need only 2 cups of milk a day. Begin to train the child handling a variety of foods. Change the mindset of parents.
4. Influenced by his parents' habits. Children like to imitate what is done by other family members, especially parents. His parents who do a lot of behavior ygmempengaruhi eating behavior of children. Mis. children who grow up in a family environment that lazy meal (ex. diet), will develop eating too lazy behavior. Other behavior, we often encounter parents are still feeding a child who had grade V SD. As a result children are trained not to eat alone. Eating behaviors that are less fit parents also like habits when calming a child who is fussy way to buy a calorie-dense snacks (candy, soft drinks, chocolate, etc.).. As a result children & lazy meal satiety.
Tips: Notice & change their habits & behavior of parents at any time, including eating behavior. Remember, the child record, study & implement all the thing he can from the surrounding Lingk, especially His parents. Let your child try to eat the food itself early on, without being fed. Not need to fear a mess. Feeding is about learning.
5. The emergence of a normal stance phase è negativistik who passed each child. At age> 2 years, children often rebel / unruly. When the meal arrived, the children sometimes do not want to say, the food is like dilepeh or thrown, and so on. This is called attitude negativistik. Attitude is a normal phase negativistik who passed each child aged under five. This attitude is also a part of its development stage to indicate a desire for independence. So toddlers are generally characterized by the ME, which means that everything must come from the ME instead of someone else; core power. Now many parents, not everyone understands this, so because of worry about the nutritional adequacy of the child are not met, parents are usually harder to force his son to eat. There are parents who threatened her child even hit. Cara2 TSB should be avoided.
Pd even more children this age are forced, it will be more fighting (as a form negativistiknya). Realization, especially if it was not a rejection of food. Understandable if someone until adulthood unwilling to eat rice or not at all touch meat. It could be as a child in question was traumatized by the treatment her parents who always feed him forcibly.
Tip: Understand the child's condition good dg. Be a parent who authoritatively. That is not to be pushy, but do not let it alone. Bina yg good communication with children. Be patient facing children. My house is the first & main madrassa for children.
6. Child is sick / sad Children do not want to eat can also be caused krn child is sick or being sad. If the child initially were active, cheerful and talkative, then in times of illness he preferred to be quiet and look lazy.
Tips: Back on the concept of communication bina fine day. Do not force children to eat if you do not want. Give reply calorie-dense snacks, such as macaroni skutel, etc..
Clear and keep in mind baik2 by each parent is, however children do not want / hard to eat, he would not let him starve! During his mental health. That is, so he was starving, so he will eat. Stay creative & serving food processing, communication building fine day, continues to be a parent to learn & understand the child's condition, and be patient.

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