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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


Flight is the process by which an object moves either through an atmosphere (especially the air), or movement beyond (as in the case of spaceflight), by generating lift, propulsive thrust or aerostatically using buoyancy, or by simple ballistic movement.

Buoyant flight

A blimp flies because the upward force is equal or greater than the force of gravity.
Humans have managed to construct lighter than air vehicles that fly due to their buoyancy in air.
An aerostat is a system that remains aloft primarily through the use of buoyancy to give an aircraft that has the same overall density as air. Aerostats include free balloons, airships, and moored balloons. An aerostat's main structural component is its envelope, a lightweight skin containing a lifting gas to provide buoyancy, to which other components are attached.
Aerostats are so named because they use "aerostatic" lift which is a buoyant force that does not require movement through the surrounding air mass. This contrasts with aerodynes that primarily use aerodynamic lift which requires the movement of at least some part of the aircraft through the surrounding air mass.

[edit] Aerodynamic flight

[edit] Gliding versus powered flight

Some things that fly do not generate propulsive thrust through the air. for example, the flying squirrel. This is termed gliding. Others have a source of propulsion and can climb. This is termed powered flight.

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