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Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Download Cheat Engine 5.6 Terbaru

Download Cheat Engine 5.6 Terbaru

Cheat Engine - wah bagi para pengguna Cheater nih ada Update terbaru dari Cheat Engine dan ini update Cheat Engine 5.6 ini cocok banget bagi para gamer yang pada suntuk main game kalah melulu ixixixi ini cocok nih buat game-game seperti Games Point Blank atau game Online lainnya tapi ini perasaan pribadi sih, menurut aq nih ya nge game kalo ngecheat kurang mantep hehhe terlepas kita kalah menang rasanya emang seneng sih menang tapi ada yang kurang
gitu(cuman perasaan pribadi kok :P) baca juga ya bagi temen-temen Postingan yang lalu, yang pada pengen Make Browser seperti Opera maupun Mozilla Firefox silahkan di coba satu-satu :D hampir lupa bila pengen cepet downlodnya gak ada salahnya sobat coba Internet Download Manager dan okedeh jadi gak ngebahas mengenai Download Cheat Engine 5.6 bahas fitur-fitur yang dimiliki dari Cheat Engine tersebut

Download Cheat Engine 5.6

- Fixed bug where ce would crash(close) on XP systems on certain type of games when opening a process
- Fixed the error at "Same as first scan" when using the float type
- Pointer rescan for value now accepts more than 8 characters
- Fixed pointerscan for value not supporting more than 1 thread
- Fixed showing the fpu in the kernelmode debugger
- Fixed Decreased/Increased by %
- Dissect Data now detects non-exact floating point values again
- Disabled executing the aobscan when assigning a script to the table
- Some disassembler fixes
- Again some more DPI fixes
- The byte-editor in the hexeditor window is now properly aligned at the proper height
- The XMM registers are now shown for kernelmode debugging as well
- Implemented the stop button for kernelmode "Find what addresses this code accesses"
- Fixed error message when pressing enter and no address is selected in the addresslist
- Fixed samememory regions so the last byte is now included as well
- Fixed the simple-copy/paste option in settings (it now has effect)
- Fixed bug where pressing alt made a lot of controls invisible in vista and later
- Fixed the pointerscan bug that caused out of memory problems for the scan (Was already secretly fixed and released for 5.6 one week after the official release, but still mentioning it)
yah itulah daftar Kelebihan daripada Cheat Engine 5.6 dan sobat bisa mengunduhnya melalui link berikut

>>Download Cheat Engine 5.6 <<

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